Monday, June 06, 2005

Finding Real Deep Throats

Sorry I am late posting today. This took a long time to write and reasearch facts. Here goes...

Sometimes a written and unfortunately published article is so pathetic and wrong that it makes a person with any amount of common decency want to puke. For me, these invariably end up being Liberal writings that are so slanted and full of half truths, unsubstantiated statements and outright lies. This is not to mention, that they are typically the same old unfounded and unproven rhetoric rehashed again, and again, and again. The article I am writing about and exposing the truth on today, is a Liberal rant written by none other than Bill Press. How this piece of human garbage can write such Liberal garbage and get away with it is truly sad. But it takes a Liberal editor for a Liberal newspaper or magazine to allow it to happen, and so it does.

They do not care weither they are lying or being downright disrespectful to the point of being ignorant not to mention their arrogance. All they have in mind is writing and publishing anything and everything disrespectful and degrading to this country and its current president. Things would be quite different, I am positive, if the current president were a Liberal Democrat, then they could do no wrong. Well, this crap is going to stop here and now.

Bill Press is a pathetic speck of corn on the side of the big turd they call Liberalisim, and for the second time now in my Blog I will set his lies, and him, straight. His pathetic and insulting rant was about Deep Throat. Press dismisses the original Deep Throat as insignificant in todays world, but makes a point to be sure we know that what Deep Throat did was to bring down a "Republican" president and an administration that was wrought with corruption and criminal activity. He conveniently forgets to mention that this had been a problem for several administrations, Democratic administrations, particularly Johnson and Kennedy. But God forbid we attempt to tarnish the image thats Camelot by telling the truth about where the corruption had its roots. Please, spare me. Press rambles on to say that what we really need today is a modern day Deep Throat. Why is this one would ask? Press explains as only a true Liberal could. His first beef is that the current adminstration is the most secrative he has ever seen. This is "scary" and "dangerous" he says. How is that Press? Scary or dangerous in that maybe you'll not be able to expose sensative issues about our national security? Worried that maybe your supply of material to twist into lies is in jeopardy? First of all its none of your damn business knowing every word thats spoken by the president and his administration. You have a right to freedom of the press, but not a right to carte-blanc government access to further your Liberal agenda. I applaud any administration that keeps a lid on information that in the interest of national security and its image should not be released. I applaud any administration who refuses to release information that is not required to be released for any meaningful purpose.

On the other hand, I denounce any publisher and their staff who willingly demean the leadership of this country, wheither they are right or wrong in their decisions. I denounce any publisher and their staff who places our lives in jeopardy so they can sell a story or worse yet, attempt a smear campaign against someone who is actually leading the country, and not catering to the Liberal and Political Correctness cause. So in other words, what information you get is on a need to know basis as it should be. As far as I am concerned, you and your Liberal media cronies don't need to know anything. This will affectively slow down the lies and rhetoric from the Liberals.

Next Press makes a comment that he wants a Deep Throat in the energy department to come forth about the administrations Energy Policy. This is not going to happen because there is nothing to expose except Liberal stonewalling. The president supports funding for Fuel Cell research, he supports drilling in the Alaska wilderness, and he supports the research into alternate fuel sources. Those are the three biggest issues for the administration, and they are excellent ones. If we can get the Liberals to stop with their bleeding heart enviromentalist bullcrap, and let us get to drilling where we know there is oil, and where we own and control the oil fields, then maybe we'll get somewhere. Or do you Liberals want Bush to make a visit or pick up the phone and berate a foreign power into higher oil output quotas? This is not going to happen, should not happen, and the party affiliation of the president will have nothing to do with it not being done.

The Liberals always call for tough measures, but when it comes time to act they show their true spineless, ball less colors. Next Press goes back into the old worn out rhetoric box and pulls out the Weapons of Mass Destruction and the war in Iraq issue. Press again is looking for something that is not there, and that has been proven not to be there. He is looking for a Deep Throat to come out of the blue like a Liberals saving angel, and come up with information that would incriminate the president showing that the whole war was a big scheme trumped up by the current administration as an excuse to go to war. I suppose it was for the oil so thats why our Energy Policy sucks too right Press? You won't find your Deep Throat here either Press because there is none. Its already been proven that the WMD existed and were moved long before the war started because the UN and Liberals, in true Liberal fashion, stalled and dicked around with the decision to go to war so long, that they could have moved the entire country of Iraq away in buckets before they moved their Liberal asses and let us go in there.

The second fact on this matter is this. Any and all decisions were made by the president and high level staff based on intelligence given to them. Not by intellegence anyone made up in their head as part of some scheme. The intellegence at that time said they were there, and the president acted accordingly and went on the offensive. We all know the Liberals would have again taken the passive stance, which in all likelyhood would have lead to another 9/11 like masacre. Was some of that intelligence inaccurate, probably, maybe, who knows, was it deliberate with the intentions of decieving, probably not. But the Liberals are still hoping that there is something here they can latch on to instead of getting a life and moving on. Its also been proven time and again that Iraq and Saddam had direct ties to Al Qaida. Saddam did very well in conceiling his involvement with Al Qaida, this would be expected of a liar and snake like him. But we've found the camps, the papers, the computers, and now like roaches they are exposing themselves daily as they continue to murder almost daily. One would have to be a complete idiot to think that Saddam had no connection with Al Qaida. Hence, Liberals must be complete idiots as they are the only ones who think this way. I suppose Zarqawi who is known to have been in Iraq, and dealing with Saddams regime, is just a figment of our immaginations?

Next Press wants a Deep Throat on John Bolton, the presidents nominee for the UN representative. John Bolton, from what I've read about him, is the right man for the job. He is tough and a no nonsense man who can get in there and get the job done. The Liberals insist on stonewalling, which they are excellent at doing, and they do this by asking for meaningless information that no one has any business asking for. The information would not change anything they already know about John Bolton, but because the administration refuses to let John Bolton be further violated by the press and Liberals in Congress, then the conclusion must be that the administration is covering something up. This is one of the most assnine things I've ever heard in my life. The Liberals are so afraid that this man will actually be approved for the position that they are stooping to new lows. They are so afraid that someone will get in to the UN and clean house, and expose all of their underhanded business dealings, that they will stop at nothing to deny the man a fair vote to confirm or deny his appointment. This is the Liberal way, stonewall, waste time, lie, and stymie progress. Where there is supposed to be a Deep Throat in this as far as the administration goes is beyond me. Where Deep Throat needs to come out of is the UN, and expose the Liberals and their underhanded and illegal games.

Then we come to the Deep Throat of torturing and outsourcing for torture, Iraqi prisoners. This one is almost as laughable as the John Bolton one. Why in the hell would Bush deliberately issue any type of order such as this? He has no reason to do so. The United States has always been at the forefront of human rights. This is not to say that some mistakes have not happened, they have. But just because there are a few people out there to took the opportunity to seek revenge for those innocents who have been murdered by these bastards, does not in any way imply that the administration has deliberately mandated these things to happen. This is another far fetched bullcrap issue that the media in general has been trying to lather up into a big frigging deal in order to again embarass the Bush administration and the country. Its nothing short of treason as far as I am concered to outwardly accuse the administration, and the country of deliberately torturing prisoners, when nothing could be further from the truth. Its a disgrace that the Liberal media are so desperate so as to have to resort to such tactics. Outside of a few isolated incidents that have been promptly addressed, there is no need to continue a witch hunt in an attempt to further embarras the country. There is no hidden madate Press, so give it up.

Next we have Press looking for a Deep Throat in regards to the leaking of the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame. This again is another tired old Liberal story that they will not leave go to die. The Liberals insist on continuing to regurgitate this issue looking for some mysterious and mischevious deeds perpetrated by the White House. First of all, the president had nothing to do with the leak. Its already been discussed that the leak wasn't even a leak, and its mere mention was an accident, that yes, did happen at a high government level. Someone needs to tell the Liberals that sometimes crap happens, like when they were born. People make mistakes. If no one made a big damn deal out of them, then most of the time they would go un-noticed. But no, this is not good enough for the Liberal media. They have to go blabbing the story all over the damn world trying to make a big deal out of nothing in an attempt to discredit the Bush administration. So again, what is Press looking for, someone to come out of the woodwork and tell them that yes president Bush deliberately planned the demise of a CIA agents career, and endagnered the lives of all of her contacts for absolutely no reason what so ever? The Liberals get more rediculous every time they open their mouths. Its amazing that the only "motive" they seem to want to fit into everything that happens is that the Bush administration is up to some sort of criminal activity. We'll talk about criminal activity by a president in a minute, then we'll know who the real crook was in the White House.

Lastly, Press regurgitates yet another old story that has been disproven time and time again, Bushs' military service. Jesus Christ Press, don't you Liberals hear too well? The man served, he did what he was required to do, and was honerably discharged, get over it. You a-holes even went as far as trumping up some farce of a story with your Liberal dolt Dan Rather, and still could not prove Bush did anything wrong, because he didn't. Liberals insist on rehashing and rehasing the same old disproven stories repeatedly. The Liberal media is so brain dead that it cannot investigate a story and find the true truth. This is becase they are trying so hard to find a story, any story, that fits their pre-concieved Liberal notions that they have to resort to outright lies and fabrication to make one. What a novel idea, cannot find legitimate news, then we'll make our own to suit our agenda. Then they have the gall to stand there and continue to harp endlessly on the same nonsense over and over again while telling us that what they say is the truth. Bullcrap!

There is absolutely NO reason for any media outlet to continue to attempt to look for Deep Throats, hoping to get some deep dark secret about the administration so they can exploit it and demean this country and its leadership. The Deep Throats simply do not exist as they have no valid reason to exist, except in the minds of Liberals who are desperate. Maybe they should take a look back a few years, and they will find all of the true Deep Throat fodder that can handle. In fact there will be so much that they would most likely not run out of topics for many years to come.

Yes, Press, lets look at your old PAL Bill Clinton, the biggest criminal to sit in the White House ever. Here are where your Deep Throats will be, and they abound in numbers. Lets look at a few shall we? Many of these we don't need a Deep Throat, they are already proven, but a Deep Throat would in all likelyhood provide even more damning evidence than we already know about. Lets see, how about the Lewinsky scandal. Talk about appropriate for Deep Throat. We all know about Monica, I'm sure there are many other Deep Throats that had been around the White House that ole Bill plied with his tool. I'm sure his beloved public would like to hear of them. A Deep Throat should come forward and tell us about the Clinton lies ole Bill didn't have to lay on the grand jury if the questions were not supressed. A Deep Throat I am sure can enlighten the public about how many other times ole Bill lied to us besides the "I did not have sex with that woman" whopper or how he cared for the starving mother of 7 from Somolia.

There are probably several Whitewater Deep Throats, and several Travelgate Deep Throats, several Bloodgate Deep Throats, and several FBI Files Deep Throats. I'm sure there are a few Deep Throats in the DNC fund raising arena, and the Democratic pay to play games arena as well. How about we hear from the Deep Throats that have not come forward regarding the mysterious death of White House counsel Vince Forester. Maybe we can hear from the Deep Throats in the Rose Law firm. Maybe White House insider Deep Throats will come forward with more on the manipulation and pardoning of jail terms for ole Bills kin and buddies like Roger Clinton, and Dan Lasater. Maybe we'll at that time have Deep Throat fill us in on why Susan McDougal was passed over for a pardon, while Roger Clinton got a reduced sentence?

So the Liberals had better watch out for what they wish for, they may get more than they bargained for. Their baseless inuendo suggesting the existance of Deep Throats regarding the current administration show clearly their Liberal agenda. Maybe its time they looked into the mirror, and started being honest with themselves and decide to look for the Deep Throats where they are more likely to exist, in the Democratic party.