How To Identify An A-Hole
Also known as how to identify a Liberal Democrat. In continuing my impartation of wisdom on this Blog regarding how dangerous and desperate the Liberals and Democrats have become, I have to just express, again, my absolute disbelief at the Democrats actions, and call for their removal from office either by impeachment or by voting them out. The first to go must be Ted Kennedy. This jackal is one of the most disgraceful pieces of crap to ever walk the halls of our capitol. He is followed closely by the laughing stock known as Joseph Biden. These two are the number one and number two most pathetic jackal Liberal Democrats of all time. They are followed by John 'I'm A Complete F'ing A-hole' Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a host of others. Now to ice their already pathetic and assnine NO vote for the most qualified candidate for the supreme court, they have the unmidigated gall to actually attempt a call for a Filibuster to stop the vote. This begs one simple compound question. Do these morons have a working brain, or are they simply embedded communists? Their actions dictate that one or the other is a true statement. I would be ashamed, and I am ashamed, to even admit that any one of those bastages was from my state. I am ashamed to live in a state where people actually vote to put this moron into office. I have a very difficult time contemplating how people can be so stupid, and find myself wanting to disassociate myself from the whole state and them. I can only hope further that come next election peoiple have seen these moronic jackals for what they are, communists, radicals, complete idiots, and most importantly Liberal Democrats who are so far out of touch with reality that they must be removed from office. As for my only comment directly to those listed, your a disgrace to your state, your party and your country.