In rememberance of 9/11 I wish to do a small flashback. Actually, we all need to do a major flashback so we never forget what happened on that fateful day and more importantly, why. Back four years ago today it was, when murder came knocking, and thousands of innocent people were murdered in cold blood by a bunch of Islamic cowards. They can shove their religion and their Allah up their collective asses by the way. We all must remember that day and its events vividly, for if we forget, we are doomed to let them repeat themselves. I was in my office that day, and I recall the mouse to my PC was malfunctioning. I was on the way through the technical area where the Help Desk was, and the manager there said a small plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I remember poking my head into his cubicle, and he had a live news movie of the north tower with a back hole in its side and the smoke billowing out. I instinctively said that I would not be suprised if it was the work of some Islamic terrorist jerk, and walked away. As I headed up to the front of the building to see the hardware guru, and obtain a new mouse, everything still seemed normal. I got the mouse and returned to my office and installed it on my PC. Not knowing what to do with the old one I walked it back up to the guru's office. By this time a crowd had gathered in the front conference room where a TV was located. The room was full of co-workers, and some of the women were already upset to the point of crying. We watched the news reports play as rumors were reported that there were possible other attacks in Washington at the Pentagon. Then we watched live as the second plane came into view and struck the south tower and exploded. The women screamed and cried "Oh my God". But God was not going to help us that day, and he should have. This confirmed my original comment and feelings on what was happening. It was a terrorist attack. I was pissed OFF! After a while I recall going back to my offiice and smashing the broken mouse on my desk as I swore at Islam. As a rule of thumb, I never did like foreigners, and had a particular distaste for these Islamic jackals. Now I know for sure I hated them, and they should be hated. I've always hated Polictical Correctness, Liberalisim, (I did not know what it was called back then.), and political rhetoric too. I'm a firm believer in getting the job done and getting it done right. I say just get the damn job done and stop with the bullcrap. I also always hated the local news. They have a habit of making a big damn deal out of absolutley nothing. Total non-events are blown way out of proportion just so they can hear themselves talk. They mislead people and bait them constantly. As a result I had stopped watching local TV news altogether. As a note, I had been a life long Democrat, although in looking back I found myself very opposed to Liberal thoughts and ideals, thank God. We were all released early from work on 9/11, and not many of us wasted any time leaving. Traffic was backed up horribly as everyone else had the same idea. On arriving home, I called a good friend of mine who was an ex-airforce man, and still lived close to the base as a reservist. I asked him if he was alright down there and he said yes, everything was cool. Good, so I hung up and started watching TV. I found myself getting irritated with the way regular local news was covering the disaster. The reporting was full of unsubstantiated speculation, and rhetoric. I kept thinking, Jesus Christ, just report what is happening and show us different pictures on a regular basis without repeating the same crap over and over again. I got tired of their crap quickly and started to channel surf. I came across Fox News Channel. I have to say it was a breath of fresh air. The reporting was down to earth, factual, not-sensationalized, professional, they told different stories about the event instead of repeating the same old crap over and over again, they had specialists come in and talk and give an educated opinion, the women reportes were very attractive, hot in fact, there was a distinct lack of political rhetoric and speculation, and they strived to show different films and pictures on a regular basis. I immediately liked this station and made it my only news source. It was a wise choice. Over the course of the last four years the events of that day have changed me forever. I discovered that there are people out there with the same morals and ideals as I have. There are people and news outlets out there that are truly interested in telling a truthful story thats balanced with both views. More importantly, I was awakened to the reality that every American should be acutely aware of what is happening in their country, what their elected officials are doing, and becoming active in every way possible to make sure things are done right. I've learned in the last four years that my feelings on Political Correctness and how wrong it is are correct, and that there are a lot of other people who feel the same way. I've learned about Liberalisim, and how its erroded the very fibre of this nation to its core with corruption and insanity. I've learned about special interest groups, whom I've never liked anyway, who have a specific agenda. I've learned the truth about how the Democrats have been taken over by the Liberal Left and corrupted with a sickness so vile that its seems that its uncureable. I learned so much about what my political party had done to undermine this country, and what they did to help make 9/11 a reality with their appeasement and Liberal bullcrap that I became so embarrassed that I switched parties. I am now proudly a Republican, and a conservative. I've learned how to fight Liberalisim, Policital Correctness, and special interest groups like the ACLU whos roots are wrought with communisim. I've learned to read through their lies and rhetoric, and wean out the facts. Sadly, I've seen how far too many people are still too gullable, or stuck in their ways to realize that they support the pathetic and corrupt left, and everything that is harmful to America. I've seen how they have for decades twisted our Constitution and the Bill of Rights into a joke and a laughing stock, making it a tool for their twisted agenda, and to further their sick cause(s). We are not out of the woods yet. In four years, we've seen more political infighting, rhetoric, political game playing, corruption, and fighting about whats right and whats wrong with this country than ever before. The Liberal Democrats keep moving left and taking the gullable with them. When will those people wake up? When will they relaize that Liberalisim and Political Correctness is what is causing and allowing our youth to shoot their classmates in cold blood, allowing crime to run pampant in our streets, allowing morals to be erroded farther and farther each day, and will allow events like 9/11 to repeate themselves. When are they going to realize that they must stand and fight, and do what ever it takes to eradicate the enimie instead of turning to appeasement, human rights feely do good crap, and the spinless protests of the meek and gutless? History has proven their tactics useless and ineffective countless times. You think they would have learned by now. But they have not learned. They continue on blindly like mindless idiots who cannot help themselves. I can only hope and pray for those souls who were lost that day four years ago today, that they are all in heaven, and that the souls of those murderers are burning in the lowest, hottest bowels of hell where they belong. I pray that those of us on the right, who have working brains, and who are slowly awakening to the dangers of Liberalisim and Political Correctness, and radical special intersts groups can put up a continuing fight and stop the spread of those social diseases. We must remain strong, and become active. We must not give up, or tire, for it is a long hard struggle. They have had 40+ years to slowly infiltrate, and corrupt this socitey, it may take just as long to eradicate them. If we fail in our duty as true patriots, and moral citizens of this country, then we are inviting another 9/11 to happen. I memory of those who were lost, we cannot let that happen. God bless us all.....